Someone actually did the math and he can run 57 MPH rofl. You realize that original Doom guy was running close to 40 MPH in the original Dooms? Its still way faster than Doom 3 was and way faster than most modern shooters. Don't know where you are coming up with this. The plasma gun in this is as similiar to the machine gun as the plasma gun was as similar to the chain gun in the classics. We don't know yet what/how many modes are in multiplayer. Another extremely important first-person shooter series-albeit one that is a bit newer in comparison-is Call of Duty. I never said that Doom is CoD, but they do have similarities. DOOM may be one of the more important first-person shooter franchises.As the first game launched in 1993, and as the series has continued with the most recent DOOM Eternal, DOOM has been played by millions but also influenced many other shooters.
Maybe faster than Battlefield, but still much slower than good old Doom. They both have wepon that reskin of other weapon(plasma gun looks like assault rifle with just more damage) In both of them you can carry only limited amount of weapon in multiplayer
Originally posted by Butcher:Okay, let's begin: