Just keep an eye on your health and keep moving forward and forward and forward, killing droids as you go. They are all weak and most can be killed in one or two swipes of your lightsaber. Once inside the straight corridor leading up to the tomb itself (which is basically immediately), you'll be attacked by literal onslaughts of droids.
She lets you in if you want, but she suggests to find something to suppress the sound you will surely make within the tomb.
Not only is this droid roaming around within, but the droid is guarded by droids of great power that he himself has built. As you talk to her, she'll tell you of what's inside the tomb - a droid that's gone completely crazy. Guarding the tomb (so to speak) is a young woman, a Sith Officer. The particular tomb located at the southwest corner of the valley is the tomb of Marko Ragnos. These tombs mean a great deal to the Sith as a learning tool, amongst other things. In the Valley of the Dark Lords, as you know, there are four tombs. But there are other side quests you might be interested in before we go ahead and get the final Star Map.
You can talk to Uthar Wynn at any time to catalyze the final events here. So, you've gotten your prestige and are ready for your final test.